Saturday, September 23, 2006

New Season

Today I woke at about 7am...but finally went to sleep again after checking my e-mail and eating a couple of bits of choccie. Then I had weird dreams about having braces again - except they were horrendous and made my teeth bend forwards and a tooth even dropped out...hate those teeth dreams - makes you panic so much when you wake up, but then a huge surge of relief is felt as you realise your teeth are normal.

It was our first match of the season today. So, I made sure I had some breakfast, and enough time to digest it. Don't know why, but every time before a match I start doing my coughing (like I'm going to hurl) thing, and it doesn't stop until I start playing...bad case of nerves or what?! Anyway, KCC C played HKFC G and at first I thought I was playing alright, until Babs told me that I was telling the right half to mark the person I should have been marking. Well, I had wondered where the forward I was supposed to be marking had gone. To be honest it was becasue ALL of the opposition had gone back to defend, We were up 2-0 at half time and we ended up winning 3-1 (but Jimmy had to tell me that because I thought we only won 2-1....good job I don't teach maths). The one scored against us was right near the end when everyone was shattered due to running around in the heat of the sun (2-3:30pm) and I was already marking the girl on the right post and there was a free player who managed to score. I didn't have a great game - some okay bits, but it is the first game after all...and miracle of miracles - we won! Plus we had a lovely photo of the team in our nice new kit (I hear we're getting new skorts, so we won't have to feel like we've got a constant wedgie!)

Just finished watching 2 episodes of 'LOST' thanks to my student who has lent me series 2 while baking about 50 cupcakes for Primetime. Gosh...aren't my Saturday nights exciting!!


Karen Chan said...

Hi Joe! Do I know you??

Karen Chan said...

Sorry Joe! I thought it was you but wasn't sure - so good to hear from you!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Removed from HK - sounds so sad - like having your appendix removed. Last time I saw you was when we had curry with Josh, I think.